Zombie Gauntlet
The Story
A few years after the Great Zombie Apocalypse doctors discovered a way to treat the virus that turned men into monsters. This treatment was not a cure, but rather a way to allow an infected person to retain a small amount of intelligence after becoming a zombie. These zombies were then trained to carry out simple tasks, including satisfying humanity’s desire for violent entertainment. One of these forms of entertainment became the Zombie Gauntlet! In this game teams of modern day gladiators enter specially designed mazes to fight for fortune and fame. Those who survive can come back to fight again. Those who fail might just become a zombie competitor in future events!
So what are you waiting for, brave contestant? Step into the Zombie Gauntlet and get ready to fight for the amusement of the crowds! Will you fight together as a team or will it be every man for himself? That is for you to decide!
Zombie Gauntlet is a build it yourself board game. The product is currently available as a PDF though Point of Insanity Game Studio's online store at DrivethruRPG.com and its affiliated sites. The PDF contains the rules you need to play, game board pieces, and tokens to represent the contestants and zombies. However, it is certainly possible to play the game using your own miniatures and game tiles.